What Is Peace Building?
Peace building is about reflecting on the step by step process employed in building anything (house, workshop, gardens to mention a few). The literal meaning of “building” helps shed more light on the term Peace building.
To also approach conflict, it is best to already know and have an unbiased and in-depth knowledge of the conflict, the parties involved, situations, position, interests and needs. With these contributions to conflict resolution and peace building will be easier.
This means Peace building is a process, one which involves NOT putting the cart before the Horse. It means it has to do with putting together resources which include human, intelligence, information and organizational resources all in place to lay a foundation for peace in the hearts and mind of people and the society. It involves taking the next step which is to build on these foundations, creating an environment where peace can thrive. Understanding what Peace building is explains how best to approach conflict. Just as a builder has a picture of what he wants to build in his mind but must have such work susceptible to changes as building and situation demands, so must a peace builder have an open mind in his/her approach to conflict.
To also approach conflict, it is best to already know and have an unbiased and in-depth knowledge of the conflict, the parties involved, situations, position, interests and needs. With these contributions to conflict resolution and peace building will be easier.
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